Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Radioactivity - Do your worst!

Poor Japan, earthquake cum tsunami cum volcanic eruption cum nuclear exploison have been snowballing down upon the land of the rising sun (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/world/asia/16japan.html) one calamity after another.

When such catastrophe befall the land of Harro Hello Kitty, one such as me start to think hard.

After an entire day of contemplation, I have arrived at the realization that someone, somewhere, over there, must have seriously really pissed off the big guy up in the sky.

At least it hasn't come to this, yet.

Speaking about all these negativity, I seem to have found the silver lining admist these stormy clouds!

Over the past few hours, I've been hearing rumor and talk about radioactive rain reaching our straits. Don't ask me how, I have entirely no clue how this all works out! But I've come up with a master plan. I shall inch, crawl, grovel my way towards the edge of this ledge and soak in the rain and hope to mutate myself some hands and legs! Alas I shall have useful limbs! Then again, maybe the grass will just grow a little greener...

Whatever the case, I'll take my chances out in the cold storm that's been brewing as long as I don't turn suffer a nuclear meltdown. I sure hope you guys hear from me soon.

Hoggus Porkus over and out-

After several minutes of "basking" in the radioactive downpour, Hoggus Porkus was spotted looking like this.

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